Sharp Publishing

Guide to the Toxic Plants of Christmas

Book cover

24 pages, color photos, PDF format

$ 2.95 USD

Digital download

Mistletoe. Poinsettia. Holly. What do they have in common?

  • They're often present in the holiday season.
  • They are poisonous.

It's true; these plants, and quite a few others, contain toxins, and can be deadly if ingested. If eaten by a pet or handled by an infant, they can be a very real danger.

In this thorough, detailed 24-page report, we cover:

  • The dangers and characteristics of every holiday plant
  • Details on the toxicity of each plant
  • Comprehensive safety tips for peace of mind

Learn about all eight common holiday plants that can be dangerous, including:

  • Amaryllis
  • Holly
  • Poinsettia
  • Mistletoe
  • Firethorn

And others.

Improper handling or lack of precautions is the likely reason statistics like these:

In 2005 alone, there were:

  • Over 1600 recorded cases of poisoning due to Poinsetta
  • Over 1500 recorded cases of poisoning due to American Holly

In this release from Sharp Publishing, we have diligently compiled 24 pages of essential information in this book for the safety of you and your family. Enjoy your holiday season by being informed and staying safe.